Friday 31 May 2013

After a few days of rage...


Well - its been an interesting few days -- between the rabbit eating my stuff, The MOUSE eating my stuff, and the rain i havent done too too much.

Other than set traps and try to save stuff from death and staying warm that is! Since i lats posted i have had almost an inch of rain. 24 mils or so... Its wet wet wet here. On the upside i have two dead mice (i wont show them to you dont worry) And i hope i kill somemore. Bastards chopped my basil plant in half and snipped the branches off one of my tomatoes. Didnt eat them -- just cut them off like a jerk. WELL JOKES ON YOU CAUSE NOW I HAVE 15 TRAPS SET IN THE BOX YOU BASTARDS!!!

On to some pics from yesterday and thismorning:
mmm --potatoes with tomatoes and sour cream sambel olek and mayo to dip and some ham? Soooo good. I boil a dozen baby potatoes for about 10 mins and then put them in the fridge and then they fry/roast all the way through really quick -- it puts me in cooked potato for a few days.
My wood pile is growing -- ever growing...
I made a home for the hobbits. (it used to have a bunch of wood and wire under it and stuff was turning it into a home -- i dont mind if stuff needs to hide from the rain but goddamnit i dont need another rabbit/mouse den beside the cabin.
The south side of my cabin -- this is where all my stuff has been getting eaten -- it will look better once its finished...
My tomato plants are doing ok -- you can see where something made its home in the bottom left corner..
My onions are up! soon i shall be rich with scallions. Galleons of scallions even.
...Rhubarb Chives and Rasberry... mmmmm
Peas are comming up and the lettuce is up too -- that big one is the base of my buttercrunch living lettuce i brought out -- its started to leaf out! huzzah it lived after all!
The site is pretty rocky -- When i want dirt i have to dig it up. I stole the topsoil from here first cause it looked like someone had dumped vermiculite all over the ground -- And theres a bog compost / old burn pile that has been makeing nice potting soil... I didnt want to take dirt from the little garden i have...
Fireweed and Coltsfoot. Both quite edible...
Violets... Very pretty. Very small -- thats my little finger.

Done. Go do something else now.

Tuesday 28 May 2013




Its that point already where i have to start killing bunnies. For all those of you who are about to say 'awww NOERS NOT TEH BUNNY WABBITS!!!'  Fuck right off. The forest has many rabbits and i have but one garden. And its not even that big. Those assholes are going to die. I planted some portulacas and the next morning boom -- gnawed down to the ground. And a pepper plant was missing its entire upper half. And one of my herbs was mashed down and there was bunny poop in the mulch. PLANTERS ARENT FOR SLEEPING IN YOU CRAPPY MEAL ON LEGS. I'm going to eat the bastard. I am going to put his body on a stick and heat him to an acceptable temperature and then i'm going to show him what it feels like to have something you care about eaten by a jerk. Namely his flesh.

They have ten thousand fucking hectares of land to sleep on and eat. All i ask is one measly one to myself. I have one harden and the forest is huge. Why bunnies? Why?

I cant use pepper powder cause i dont got any. And in any case those hippie dippy organic solutions are just going to bring bears around. And i'm not chasing a grizzly out of my goddamn garden. I'm just not. Fuck that noise. They have to start dying. And thier tiny skulls will decorate my planters.

They are cute but i have a suspicion that i will still see plenty of the mother fuckers over the summer.

Time to die bitches.

On a lighter note here are some nice pictures i took last night after my (very cold) shower...

Rainbow! (its kinda hard to see...)
.. A rocky path to the garden i have started working on.... Thats 3 wheelbarrows full of stones.... There are more in other places... my body is sore today...
... The flower bed i made yesterday while leveling my yard and collecting rocks to build the path... I put 4 flower plants in there and this morning they were all down to nubs. Fuck the bunnies the flowers at least stick around when i go outside.
PS: Bunnies can go to hell.

Monday 27 May 2013

Some pics for the morning

Sigh -- here i am in the middle of nowhere grinding my coffee with a rolling pin and chasing rabbits out of my garden at 8 am like a crotchety old man...

Anyways heres some pics i took yesterday....

Sunday 26 May 2013

Well the days are starting to warm up a bit.. But this wind... ARG!

I built a nice cold frame to help my paltry garden out and lets just say 50 kph wind gusts will smash anything that can catch the wind. It actually didnt break the poly -- it snapped the bailing wire i used to tie the tops of the posts together so it could rest on it... Bah what a bummer to come down last night and find that thing all snapped... Thank god for gorilla tape. That stuff rocks. On the plus side i was able to save a few of my cucumber plants from wilt and i found chives growing under one of the rhubarb plants! On the downside i think something is trying to nest in a corner of the flower bed using mulch i put down.

awwwww arent they adorable? When i lifted a box off my yard i found them underneath and mommy mouse peeked atme and scurried under the house... I took a few pics and put the box back. They are sooo cute.


Clouds roll in... But no thunder no lightning and no rain makes mike a dull boy...


This is just using my polarized sun glasses as a filter... You cant do this jerb without good sun glasses. The white light that glances off of everything will burn your eyes into raisins. Mmmmm eye rasins...


Friday 24 May 2013

Mmmm coffee...

Just a few pics this morning...

Hello moon... You are a moon. It looked allot nicer in person. (this is the camersa 'night tripod' setting and i set the camera on a bench so it wouldnt shake...)
A birch tree... I think i got a mosquito in there aswell.

Warm windows beckon
Blankets for sleep are waiting
To wake up my dreams.

Mcdonalds Egg mcmuffin: 300 calories
Dennys Grand slam breakfast: about 1000 calories
Mikes fuel for the day: ERROR ERROR ERROR

mmmm three peices of bacon two easy over eggs a patch of fried cabbage and toast with nutella and coffee... Damn it was tasty. If i'm going to live like and look like someone out of Game of Thrones then i might as well eat like one...

\ And yes i eat off of paper plates when i can -- Doing dishes with no running water is a huge pain in the ass and takes forever.

Wednesday 22 May 2013

Sigh... What a day. i tried to plant some of my tomatoes under a cold frame i made today... then this afternoon winds of 60k mashed everything up. It didnt look to bad, but damn the ground there is dry... the wind sucks the water right out of the bare dirt... A long boring day.. Sched was late due to a fire out by kimiwan tower... Its freaking windy and at 2230 i can still hear bawks of quinns voice on the radio...

I took a nice walk this evening after i got down... Scouted out a few birch trees to chop down (for various reasons) So much to do and no low hazard days to getrdone... sigh.

A bird... he is a bit fuzzy and i feel like i was allot closer to him than this picture at my highest zoom looks...

I went to check my trail cam and the only thing it caught was a sexy beast...

... Im getting pretty fucking sick of this website putting every second photo at the top of the post...
And now it wont let me move them around...

Bear tracks! huzzah!

Tea i picked...

Ok -- this is fucking retarded. It doesnt seem to matter wher you click when you embed a photo it just shits it somehwere into the middle of your post. Fuck you blogger. If i knew a better site to use i would use it.

i'm going to go drink some tea and try to relax. Way to turn a ten minute task into a frustrating half hour shit fest blogger.