Sunday 26 May 2013

Well the days are starting to warm up a bit.. But this wind... ARG!

I built a nice cold frame to help my paltry garden out and lets just say 50 kph wind gusts will smash anything that can catch the wind. It actually didnt break the poly -- it snapped the bailing wire i used to tie the tops of the posts together so it could rest on it... Bah what a bummer to come down last night and find that thing all snapped... Thank god for gorilla tape. That stuff rocks. On the plus side i was able to save a few of my cucumber plants from wilt and i found chives growing under one of the rhubarb plants! On the downside i think something is trying to nest in a corner of the flower bed using mulch i put down.

awwwww arent they adorable? When i lifted a box off my yard i found them underneath and mommy mouse peeked atme and scurried under the house... I took a few pics and put the box back. They are sooo cute.


Clouds roll in... But no thunder no lightning and no rain makes mike a dull boy...


This is just using my polarized sun glasses as a filter... You cant do this jerb without good sun glasses. The white light that glances off of everything will burn your eyes into raisins. Mmmmm eye rasins...


1 comment:

  1. Creative photography.......and I love the pics of the sky and cloud formations.
    Im going to have to try that with sunglasses........with my old 35mm camera I had several different filters and it was fun to play around with them......the DSLR has a different size lens and I haven't got new ones.
    So your little friend likes your garden better than all the acres of surrounding green grass.......hopefully he leaves you something.
    Have a great day Mike!
