Tuesday 28 May 2013




Its that point already where i have to start killing bunnies. For all those of you who are about to say 'awww NOERS NOT TEH BUNNY WABBITS!!!'  Fuck right off. The forest has many rabbits and i have but one garden. And its not even that big. Those assholes are going to die. I planted some portulacas and the next morning boom -- gnawed down to the ground. And a pepper plant was missing its entire upper half. And one of my herbs was mashed down and there was bunny poop in the mulch. PLANTERS ARENT FOR SLEEPING IN YOU CRAPPY MEAL ON LEGS. I'm going to eat the bastard. I am going to put his body on a stick and heat him to an acceptable temperature and then i'm going to show him what it feels like to have something you care about eaten by a jerk. Namely his flesh.

They have ten thousand fucking hectares of land to sleep on and eat. All i ask is one measly one to myself. I have one harden and the forest is huge. Why bunnies? Why?

I cant use pepper powder cause i dont got any. And in any case those hippie dippy organic solutions are just going to bring bears around. And i'm not chasing a grizzly out of my goddamn garden. I'm just not. Fuck that noise. They have to start dying. And thier tiny skulls will decorate my planters.

They are cute but i have a suspicion that i will still see plenty of the mother fuckers over the summer.

Time to die bitches.

On a lighter note here are some nice pictures i took last night after my (very cold) shower...

Rainbow! (its kinda hard to see...)
.. A rocky path to the garden i have started working on.... Thats 3 wheelbarrows full of stones.... There are more in other places... my body is sore today...
... The flower bed i made yesterday while leveling my yard and collecting rocks to build the path... I put 4 flower plants in there and this morning they were all down to nubs. Fuck the bunnies the flowers at least stick around when i go outside.
PS: Bunnies can go to hell.


  1. You are too funny - your like red skeleton of the tower - run bunny run!

    Love the pic of the tower in the clouds.

  2. You are tooooo funny.........someone should bring you some chicken wire.
    Awesome pictures!
