Sunday 19 May 2013

Sigh -- so much to do so  little time...

One might think i had all the time in the world but extreme hazard is time consumeing... Up for weather at 7 then up in the tower at 9am... come down to do weather and grab lunch and then its back up till 8pm. Once you get down its late and yard work and gardening take a back seat to food...

Luckily P101H were hanging out at my tower on man up and they brought me lunch from manning. Mmmm ribs one day then hot chili the next? And i didnt have to make it? SWEEEET! Mr Ben Penner you are a truely good dude.

I had some troubles with my camera... My pics are NOT turning out -- the lynx pictures are only 2 of about 8 i took and after getting home from a walk the other night and uploading around 50 photos i only found a few that werent washed out or blurry. So i have been grumbly about posting stuff up here for the last two days because my pics arent turning out great. (that and 12 hour days up in a tower only left me with enough time to make supper and try to get my garden in a bit)

I just hope the cold doesnt kill all my plants. Its still below 5 degrees every night.

Anyways -- heres a few pics that actually turned out. I think the theme is reflection...

(thats looking west into BC)

BIRDS!!! I dunno what they are yet. They weren't afraid of me much... I took about 7 pics of these guys from about 10 feet away and this is the best i could get. Can you tell i'm grumpy about my camera? The guys at Fuji cameras can blow an angry moose.

A cut line near my tower.

HDR my unwashed ass. This is the best i could manage. The sky was a beautiful blue colour... Sigh. Still turned out alright i suppose (but i'll chalk that up to me just being generally awesome.)

\Does anyone else get super irritated when the computer tried to tell you colour is spelled wrong?

1 comment:

  1. Hey Mike,
    Don here, that camera of yours, have you tried playing with the white balance on it? I know with mine it makes a huge difference to the colours when I take it out of auto and manually input the white balance.
