Thursday 20 June 2013

rambleing a bit and some pics...

grumble grumble grumble mornings grumble.

Visitors yesterday -- it was nice to see Mike and Caitlyn -- very nice people i must say -- they ate some of my bread and seemed to like it... Not sure whether they were just humoring me or not... I think it turned out pretty good... No picks as most of its picked at now... I could pass along instructions for it though --

Here goes:
The night before --
A big dollop of starter. What? You dont have sourdough starter? I dont care -- just use a big pour of it...
3 cups of water. Dont measure with a cup pour that shit into a drinking bottle and eyeball it.
SALT -- just chuck a bunch in. Stir.
5is cups of flour. Again it could be anywhere from 4 to 6 cups but dont worry about measuring. Measurung is for pussies. Ever see the Urban Peasant measure shit? No he just fucking went for it. Like a boss.
Maybe add a dash of chia seeds too -- seeds seem to have a nice leveling effect opn the moisture content.
Glop that shit around. dont knead it. Kneading is what cats do when they are happy. Your not a cat. Cats dont eat bread. What the hell is wrong with you?
Cover that ugly fucking bowl with a wet fucking cloth and leave it alone all fucking night.

In the morning -- grab a bit of flour and turn that shit out. Scatter some flour on top and oin your hands and fucking get that dough out of the bowl. You should be albe to hold the goo in your hands without it sticking but if you cant WHO THE FUCK CARES MOVE ON. Stick it in a oiled bowl so its easy to get out later and then just leave it. Go relax. After awhile -- (depending on how warm your kitchen is) pour it into a roasting pan and slash the top with a knife and then cover it. Stick it in the oven with a cookie sheet underneath and fill sheet with water. Now turn the oven on. How hot? I have no idea. Higher than 350 and lower than 500. This is bread we are making -- its not rocket science -- people have made it for TEN THOUSAND YEARS. If you cant half ass your way to a decent loaf then you are trying to hard. So put it in the oven and turn the oven on -- not the other way around. Lets the bread prood extra in the pan. Take the cover off 45-50 miniutes into the cooking so the crust browns up. Total cooking time is from 1 to 1.5 hours. Spread first crusty slice with butter, jam, or nutella...

So -- thats my bread recipie -- no kneading -- no spreading flour all over the place... The worst thing thats going to happen is your going to have two dirty bowls and crappy bread. Feed it to your dog.

So -- something more interesting now...

Basa fish with italian seasoning and cabbage and potatoes... Fresh chives... Living gooooood.

Chicken salad with avocado and crackers and cheese.... the chicken came from
A roasted butterflied chicken -- with roasted root veggies and pan gravy.... Eating mad food is good for the moral. Plus eating out of cans gets tired fast -- i like to cook -- sorry if anyone finds food pics grating but its one of my big pleasures out here...

Where??? Here:
Thats my home... I think my next post will tell more about that and whats around...
Bunny -- He sure makes allot of noise banging around under my cabin. And skeeters. To many. They eat me. They eat and eat and eat. The little skin i have left after scratching is a bumpy itchy raw mess.

See the smoke? Well its not smoke -- its a spook. Moisture rises out of the forest after a rain storm and the tiny fog patches are almost indistinguishable from smoke. You gotta watch them (or not worry so much since it just rained like mad over that area and spooks are to be expected)
I dug my helipad sign out abit with a pulaski -- skeeters loved me for it.
I finally have flowers in that bed i built...

Yeah -- Thats about it. Its nice to have some sun to brown my pasty white flesh...

1 comment:

  1. I love the pictures you post - its cool to get a glimps into your world. Wow that food looks amazing - can't wait to taste some of that bread. Great recipe - you really need to publish a receipe book. Your cabin is much cleaner than my house!
